Senin, 27 April 2009

kind of orchid plants

* Anggrek epifit, the orchid that grows on trees stay another without prejudice inangnya and plants need light shade from the sun, for example, Cattleya sp. require light +40%, Dendrobium sp. 50-60%, Phalaenopsis sp. + 30%, and Oncidium sp. 60 - 75%.
* Anggrek terestrial, the orchid that grows in the soil and requires direct sunlight, for example Aranthera sp., Renanthera sp., Vanda sp. and Arachnis sp.
Terestrial orchid plants need sunlight 70 - 100%, with afternoon temperatures in the range of 19 - 380C, and the night 18-210C. While for the type of orchid Vanda sp. who need a little wide-leaved shade.
* Anggrek litofit, the orchids that grow on the stones, and resistant to full sunlight, such as Dendrobium phalaenopsis.
* Anggrek saprofit, the orchid that grows on media containing humus or leaves dry, and requires less sunlight, such as Goodyera sp.

Biautiful Plants

Adenium obesum in Cambodia known as the Japanese. Name Adenium preferred pehobi, Section of Cambodia always associated with the grave. Adenium fascinate fans of the ornamental plant because of variations in the color rich and beautiful flowers. Moreover the form of a root when the draw was older. This is what makes so unique and looks like a bonsai.

Adenium actually work with Cambodia. Albeit still in a family of Apocynaceae, but there are some differences in light between the two.
Try it out see the form of leaves and roots between the two plants. Adenium form much smaller than leaves Cambodia. Adenium able to root tubers, such as belly and bend to the left-right. This is the part that serves as water storage. In Cambodia are not the root of the form can be found like that.
From sosoknya Adenium and Cambodia also have a marked difference. Adenium figures that have small to very suitable as decoration plant terrace house. Cambodia currently has a high figure and large, so often used as a protective plant, in addition to the decorator.
"Therefore, I prefer to call this plant rather Adenium Cambodia Japan. If a person (name) Cambodia usually directly show that large plants, "said Candra Gunawan, pehobi while the decorative plants in the Sawangan, Depok.
Are in China, have Adenium Fook Hui Hwa name which means flower luck. And in Thailand, regarded as flowers welcome (choa chuem).

Recycle organic waste

Elements of the environment even more frequently utilized by humans in the natural resources, the source that has a value to meet the needs and welfare to improve the utilization man.In and the rest will be in addition to produce products such as garbage or waste that contaminate lingkungan.Waste By order
be divided into two parts, namely organic waste and inorganic waste, organic waste usually contains chemical elements nitrogen and inorganic waste contains carbon.Anorganik own.

Ethical environment in

Environment itself is the ethical attitudes and behavior of human objective of preservation of the environment that will produce a human right tengtang conscious environment. Behavior that determine the quality of an environment, namely:

1. Destructive behavior that will reduce the quality of the environment, such as the ecological environment there is a crisis

2. Akan good behavior that maintain the quality of the environment, so that will be balanced and dynamic.

With the guiding principle in the human environment in the implementation of ethics that is: we as human beings is not everything but it's a part of the environment. Therefore, respect the environment with the same respect our bodies. As a human being must be a member of the environmental good and honest, because nature is provided not merely just for humans but for all sentient hidup.With natural resources that we limited the charge to be sparingly and keep for the future.

Minggu, 26 April 2009

To plant again

Now barren forests, coastal sand brought by waves, weather or hot air, the first people who enjoy the natural result is that we akibatnya.With
incident many organizations like the rock climbing ascend mountains, mountain, plant, where around us, are doing to his heart again Does places that have been taken that the trees not be planted again by the man is not accountable. Sometimes
I ask myself why in the world so this is very very hot? is already bored with the act began to humans.

Rumahku Syurgaku

Ada sebuah hadist yang mengatakan bahwa “kebersihan adalah sebagian dari iman“,yang arti secara luasnya bahwa bila kita menjaga kebersihan baik rumah kita ,badan kita,terutama hati kita maka iman seseorang dikatakan kuat.menurut hadist tersebut bahwa kita sebagai hamba Allah kita harus melaksanakan perintah agar iman kita menjadi kuat.Untuk menuju rumah yang bersih dan nyaman kita tiapa hari harus membersihkannya yaitu misalnya dengan menyapu ,mengepel ,buang sampah pada tempatnya dan menanam tanaman yang hijau agar lingkungan rumah tetap sejuk.

Linkungan hijau hati juga sama

Banyak orang yang gemar merawat lingkungan rumah,baik bagian luar maupun bagian dalam rumah,tapi mereka lupa mereka hidup bersama lingkungan social,yang banyak tantangannya. Maka dari itu kita harus merawat lingkungan hati kita agar dalam pelaksanaan social tidak terjadi konflik.Hati dan pikiran harus sejalan, bila hati kita berbuat baik maka pikiran kitaharus sama.Apalagi buat para dewan wakil rakyat yang kerjanya mementingkan rakyat mereka juga harus memiliki hati yang hijau , baik ,merasa mempunyai amanat yang diberikan rakyat kepadanya.Kalau hati mereka kotor mengapa? jadi wakil rakyat kalau hanya mementingkan kepentingan pribadinya saja.